Efrat Investments, owned by Mr. Ran Efrat, has successfully operated since its founding in 1999 and to this day. Mr. Ran Efrat owns numerous real estate properties and is well-known for his professional ties with the Israeli banking system. The Code of Excellence, underlying the basis to all the company’s activities, has its roots in his 9 years of service in the IDF and other security and defense organizations. Continuously striving for excellence and building creative solutions in the real-estate field, is a code instilled in all company employees which sets the proper foundation for the company’s vast activities and in turn - the trust and faith it receives from its clients.

Efrat Investments develops and leads dozens of projects across Tel Aviv, working hand in hand with municipality departments, including the preservation department.
The company's activity is also includes big residential projects in USA.
A wide portfolio of projects and assets across Europe, including: Poland, Germany and Spain.
Ran Efrat is a well-known businessman and real estate owner that has tight ties with the Israeli banking system. Ran owns a vast number of real estate properties in Israel, the United States and Europe. His own code of excellence is the beating heart of his company.
Ran's experience and sense of sincerity come from his nine years of service in the IDF and other Israeli defense organizations, this is the core of the company's activities. This is the core of every movement that the company makes.

Madrid capital owns over 450 apartments in the most desirable neighborhoods of Madrid. Madrid capital's investors enjoy complete peace of mind and confidence thanks to our years of seniority, experience, and reputation for high quality overseas real estate investments.